Bradley Callow, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Founder of Rich Legacy

Scaling Up Services - Bradley Callow

This podcast episode is in memory of Bradley Callow, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Founder of Rich LegacyCultural

Bradley Callow was an an American international speaker, Conscious Entrepreneur, and a self-described "catalyst for transportation." He was the founder of The Moderation Institute and Rich Legacy, two organizations dedicated to furthering the potential of individuals.


[00:00:01] You're listening to Scaling Up Services where we speak with entrepreneurs authors business experts and thought leaders to give you the knowledge and insights you need to scale your service based business faster and easier. And now here is your host Business Coach Bruce Eckfeldt.

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[00:00:58] Welcome, everyone. This is Scaling Up Services. I'm Bruce Eckfeldt. I'm your host. Our guest today is Bradley Callow and Bradley is conscious entrepreneur and international speaker. He is also founder of Rich Legacy. And I met Bradley a few years ago at an E O event in Thailand and Bangkok.

[00:01:13] And I'm excited to have him on the program. And we're gonna talk a little bit about being a high performance person and what that means on the personal side, particularly around parenting. So with that, Bradley, welcome to the program.

[00:01:24] Awesome. Thanks for having me. I'm excited given your insights into coaching and what that looks like in the corporate world. And a lot of the parallels I see that exist in the family side, it's just incredible how well they blend together and the benefits of applying things you learn in one and the other. So I'm excited to be here.

[00:01:40] Yeah, I'm excited to have you. And I think I guess for folks that are listening at the program, that have kids, that are parents, they'll be, you know, really direct kind of takeaways. But I think even for folks who don't have parents outside, you don't. Hopefully everyone as parents that don't have children, who aren't parents of children.

[00:01:56] You know, there's really some good takeaways for those folks as well. So, you know, I'd encourage you to continue listening, even if this is a doesn't seem immediately applicable because know there aren't there are a lot of connections and there's a lot of connections that anyone can learn from.

[00:02:09] So when I saw you speak it at the youth event that you'll see in Bangkok, you had a really interesting and quite powerful story of kind of why you got into this space. And I'd love to have you just talk a little bit about that so you can kind of help people explain why this focus and why you're passionate about it and the difference and impact you want to have.

[00:02:31] Sure. So for me, I grew up in one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. And despite coming from, you know, what would be on the books, really good parents. Right. I had a stay at home mom. It used to be a special ed teacher who is very dedicated and involved in my life and wanted nothing but the best for me, loved me unconditionally. I had a father who was an avid entrepreneur with a growing and successful business at the time that still made every effort to be at my scouting events and sporting events and, you know, love me with everything that he had.

[00:03:04] And despite that, I started using drugs at 11 years old. And from there, it just only got worse. And because I'm an entrepreneur with every fiber of my being. I started selling drugs shortly thereafter. And despite all the things that were going on behind the scenes, I was able to keep up a pretty good front. And this is something consistent I see in the affluent families that I now work with all over the world. Is that you're keeping up appearances. And so I you know, I squeak by. I still got good grades, but I went off to college.

[00:03:33] And then within a month I was arrested for felony distribution. And, you know, I was able to recover from that, put it on a good front. And next thing I know, I'm 24 years old. I'm on my knees in a Los Angeles apartment with a 1911 45 caliber handgun pressed to the side of my own temple. And so these things these happen quickly because my story is unfortunately is not uncommon. And in fact, you're one and a half to two and a half times more likely to have depression or anxiety if you come from an affluent family.

[00:04:03] Now, certainly there's some overdiagnosis that might exist in that environment, and that's to be understood and appreciated. But the fact that it's that dramatic, given that if you come from money, you're supposed to that's supposed to solve all your problems. In fact, it's creating a lot of angst and stress and depression. And and the suicide rate has quadrupled since 1950 for adolescents. And just on and on it goes. I mean, it's just this it's created this monster. And so I was able to turn my own life around and decided to stop hurting myself and others and start helping. And and that's a rich legacy was born.

[00:04:35] And I think that, you know, I think we do get caught into that trap of, you know, if we have, you know, kind of a good background, a good upbringing, you know, money, you know, basic needs taken care of that.

[00:04:46] We shouldn't have any of these problems. And, you know, it's just not the case. And I think that we can get kind of lulled into a false sense of security.

[00:04:52] You know, if we if we think that was I was just going to elaborate on that, because that's really important, because it breeds shame.

[00:04:58] And there is this this overwhelming unconscious or conscious belief that nothing is ever good enough, because if you come from money, the expectation is that you are excellent and amazing at everything because you don't have any excuses.

[00:05:12] Yeah. Yeah. Well you've had every resource, right?

[00:05:15] Yeah. Yeah. Now you've got the resources to take all these things. So why should you have problems. Exactly. So tell us about. Legacy. How is this manifested for you in terms of your your purpose and the work that you're doing?

[00:05:25] So the vision for rich legacy is to become the Ivy League of family.

[00:05:30] And so what that means is, you know, 250 years from now, I actually just did an event out on Yale's campus in New Haven, Connecticut. And as I'm walking around and I'm seeing all these, you know, hundred year old buildings and this massive campus with all these students milling around.

[00:05:47] And I just kept thinking of myself as like, this is what you can build. And, you know, they have a 300 year legacy at this point. It's like this is what you can build. And so the thing for me is that I want to build everything, whether it's education retreats for couples, for whole families, for young adults, for kids.

[00:06:05] I mean, unit aim it and just attract the best and the brightest when it comes to the relationships that exist within family, because it is the foundation of everything. And I'm sure we'll get into this. But ultimately, every family that we have worked with, the business performance goes up exponentially. When you start really putting some focus on making sure the family is all rowing in the same direction.

[00:06:27] Yeah. And it's you know, it's coming from the other side, coming from, you know, kind of focusing on the business side.

[00:06:33] You know, one of my phrases is that, you know, if you've got problems at home, you've got problems in your business. I mean, there. There is no at least no long term separation of those things. You might be able to get away with it for a while. You know, you could cope, but, you know, sustain performance in business requires, you know, a good, well-balanced, you know, whole person. And if the entrepreneur or founder, CEO is, you know, has an unstable, unhealthy, unsupportive family situation, it's not going to it's not gonna help them in business. It's going to it's going to tear them down at one point or another.

[00:07:04] And that's great insight. And it extends to the employee is the example I use very often is think about the last time one of your employees was going through a divorce or had a sick child or poor parent. I mean, they might as well not be at the office. And that's happening every day on a smaller scale as well. You know, if there's just stress and friction and angst at home, well, that's impacting performance in a very meaningful way.

[00:07:29] So what do we start with? Just some discussion around what is family, I guess. How do you define it? What is the kind of scope and nature of what you refer to when we talk about family?

[00:07:40] So the primary focus for us is the nuclear family.

[00:07:43] We are moving more and more in the direction of family businesses. So then we start looking more at the whole family system and how those all work together as well as individuals. So that's been a really something that I've enjoyed and become fascinated with. We're actually working on a documentary around the whole concept that only about 10 percent of family businesses make it from the second or third generation and only 3 percent from the third to the fourth generation. And really unpacking what it is those families do differently to allow them to become an outlier and and achieve those things. So a family can be defined very differently. It just depends. I mean, I don't know that I have a hard and fast definition to the family of what that would or wouldn't be.

[00:08:24] Well, I think that's probably good in the sense that, you know, there are there are so many different kind of versions and situations and, you know, kind of contextual differences that, you know, trying to coach or, you know, trying to work on one particular formula or one particular construct of family versus is kind of a general approach of kind of family dynamics and family successes probably serves you better or probably serves the people that you're working with better.

[00:08:51] And what are the dynamics? So you're kind of applying it to these family businesses. But, you know, essentially, what are you trying to get at when you're helping people live kind of a rich family life? What does that mean? What does that look like for you?

[00:09:04] At its core, it's family alignment. All right. If everyone begins to operate on this same page, if everyone truly has a deeper connection and a trust and a rapport that exists within the family, how that starts to change things. Once you have that trust and that connection, you're able to truly started understanding each other because you stop lying to each other or you stop being so passive aggressive. And once you have a deeper understanding of each other, well, then you're in a place where you can start having compromise and meaningful dialogue and creates a movement forward together instead of working against each other. And then from there, you're in a position equipped with understanding and compromise. You can start to influence each other in a positive way and influence your environment or your goals or whatever those might look like. And all these things start to work together in this beautiful way. And it just allows people, for lack of a better term, have ever put it this way. But to blossom, to use family as a source, a source of strength and power versus a source of distraction and distress.

[00:10:04] Yeah, well, it's interesting because we talk and you know, I do all this work with leadership teams and I say my my core job is help the leader team thrive. You know, level up, become a higher performing team.

[00:10:14] But, you know, you could say that about family. You get you get well, you're the same kind of idea to the family as. Different type of team, different kind of relationship, potentially different outcomes. But, you know, you're talking about a group of people working together against a common set of objectives and core values and measurement of success.

[00:10:31] It is. And the beauty of a family and why I like it and it's so challenging and why so much of this stuff applies to business is if you can. If you could create this kind of change within a family, you can most certainly create that kind of change in a business because a family is an unwilling participant is benevolent depending on the.

[00:10:51] Yeah. Yeah. You know, depending on the age of the kids, you run into some.

[00:10:55] And that's I will throw that out there for the listeners as I've never had somebody come to me and be like, wow, I wish I would have started this stuff later. But I very often happy like, oh, my kids are too young for some of this stuff.

[00:11:05] I might start now, like just build it, the culture and the very fiber that your family is made of and you won't regret it.

[00:11:13] It was funny. I'll tell you a funny little story. You know, as a coach, you know, one of my things, I'm a kind of voracious learner. I'm always listening to things and reading things and listening things that I was at a book on tape. I think it was crucial. Conversations are always crucial conversations on a on a trip.

[00:11:27] We were taking things from New York up to Boston or something. And my dad, he was five years old at the time. My my second son, like three days later, we're kind of having this discussion about something.

[00:11:39] And he looks at me as his dad. We need to have a crucial conversation first. We need to establish safety.

[00:11:48] And I was just like, you know what? I was like, good. You know what? You know, we should have more safety in our conversation. That's a family. Yes.

[00:11:56] It's just spot on because my kids are such sponges and kids are smarter than ever. And while the Internet has its downsides and in many ways is working 24/7, undermined every life, skill, value and character trait you want to teach your kids when they use it correctly. I mean, they the kids today are wicked smart. I mean, it's incredible. I mean, one of the funniest things to me is a, you know, a kid will come to their parents, you know, teenager and be like, well, you know, you're telling me not to do drugs, mom and dad. But, you know, everything I'm hearing about marijuana is it's really not bad for me. If anything, it's a medicine. And the parents are like, no, no, no. Like, drugs are bad, you know? End of discussion. Well, you know, the kid goes, OK, fine. And walks away and comes back three hours or three days later and slams down the seven hundred and fifty printed pages with highlighters and tabs and everything else. And it's like, oh, this is what parents think.

[00:12:49] The Bay 32 not out parents yearly reports cannabis use. Yes. So I run another podcast called Thinking Outside the Bud, which is all about the cannabis phase. And I've personally had to have that, you know, that kind of discussion of that kind of conversation with with my kids explaining it is a drug. You know, it has some benefits and various medical implications.

[00:13:09] And, you know, there's various changes in the law is going on. It doesn't mean I want you run around smoke pot, but, you know, having kind of having the conversation and meeting them where they are in the kind of understanding of it is the process.

[00:13:19] It is. And as soon as you start lying to kids, they don't believe anything else. All right. So so, you know, even even Santa, to me, that whole thing is kind of confusing. I haven't completely unpacked that and my whole brain. But like what? Like why we start this whole relationship. But, hey, I've just been lying to your whole life. No big deal. You know, it's an interesting cultural phenomenon that we embrace, but. But, yeah, it's it's having those authentic, meaningful conversations. And one of the things that I'm a firm believer in is there is so many things to be afraid of as a parent these days.

[00:13:52] I mean, you basically see kids go into the bus stop and they got on shin guards, knee pads and elbow pads and risk guards and a helmet and they're walking 10 feet to the bus stop. Right. So like it's the fear is everywhere. And so my thing is, I'm here to work on your kids core. Right. Like their self-esteem, their ability to make adult decisions. Right. Their ability to think with empathy. And to be a grounded human being. Because I could spend all day and all year trying to protect them from, well, bullying and drugs and alcohol and sex. And, you know, you name it. But at the end of the day, you and I both know people that have done drugs and they are dead. They're not in prison. They're not in jail. We know people that have, you know, gotten to darker parts of their life and been able to turn those things around because at their core, they were healthy and able to deal with those things.

[00:14:44] So talk to me about what the course of self-esteem. What else what else did you mention?

[00:14:49] Their self-esteem, emotional intelligence. It looks a little different for every every kid that we work with. Right.

[00:14:54] Because, you know, if we can tap in and find a kid's passion, that's that's where the fire is. You know, for anybody listening, if your kids are young. Take notes like the little things that light your kid it up. I don't care if it's being nice to others, if it's writing, if it's dancing, if it's singing, if it's painting, like what is those things that they naturally are drawn to, you know, and make notes of those things because society and life kind of pull them out of. But then to revisit those things over time is really important, because if you can use passion as a vehicle for learning, your relationship with your child will change dramatically. Their relationship with themselves will change dramatically in the relationship with the world will change dramatically.

[00:15:35] So like one of my favorite stories, working with a client, his son was 9 years old at the time. EO member actually, since I know we connected through EO and and he was struggling with math homework, it was like War 3 every day.

[00:15:48] The dad came home and was like, oh, like, I can't handle this anymore.

[00:15:52] It literally feels like a bomb is gone. So he starts day at the office later and later and mom starts getting angrier and angrier and it just got worse and worse. And so we helped dad reestablish a a better relationship with his son. That connection piece, so he could get to a place where he could find out what is his son's passion because he wasn't able to at the beginning. And then once he was able to figure out what his passion was, which was entrepreneurship, just like dad. Yeah, well, we had a great conversation.

[00:16:21] Math equals money and money equals math. If you don't have a basic understanding of math, it's going to be hard to make any real money and be a successful entrepreneur.

[00:16:31] Well, guess what happened? Most improved people of the quarter. No more arguments about math homework, no more war, war 3. And but think about in contrast to how that would normally look. It would be like you live under my roof. You play by my rules and your job is school. And school includes math. Like get it together. Doesn't work.

[00:16:51] Well, how do so how do we balance the need to fuel passion with the need to kind of create a reasonable kind of boundaries and kind of safety around certain things? I mean, is there is there a strategy or how do you how do you deal with that?

[00:17:07] Oh, could you give me a more specific example where you're seeing that there may be a passion that is not, you know, that involves some kind of risk or potential for physical harm?

[00:17:17] How do you help sort of fuel that and channel that in a way that's going to be in fact. I mean, I do see there is a need to provide some kind of boundaries or structure to to, you know, kind of the child relationship in that sense.

[00:17:30] I mean, it's so individual. Yeah. You know, every human being is so unique and what that might look like. I'll give you a fun example that I run into a lot and I'm sure a lot of the listeners can relate to as virtually every kid that I meet these days wants to be a YouTube star. It's like, yes, it's like without fail. And the normal response is that's a horrible idea. Don't waste your time.

[00:17:50] Well, logically, logically. Yeah, well, I've got I've got some counter arguments.

[00:17:56] Number one, you can make millions of dollars crocheting sweaters for cats these days. I just want to point that out. And your margins are like 80 or 90 percent. You work from home or anywhere in the world that you want to. Who's really got the bad idea here? But that's a different conversation. But if you just think about it from a passion as a vehicle for learning perspective, YouTube being a YouTube star, what can you teach a kid through that? Get them all excited about it. They're going to learn marketing like SEO and advertising. They're going to write video production. They're going to learn confidence with public speaking and communication and on and on it goes. They can learn about licensing and you can take it as far as you want to. Or you can say that that's a horrible idea. Don't waste your time.

[00:18:38] Let's dig into that a little bit, because I think I think there is my kind of thesis on that is there's there's another thing underpinning that I think I certainly I think I tend to be.

[00:18:47] You know, let's try anything kind of approach.

[00:18:50] And I've I we've done YouTube channels. We've started little businesses. You know, I tend to be probably on the very willing to try just about anything.

[00:18:59] But I think what happens for a lot of folks, particularly as a parent, I think the challenges or the gut reaction is, well, if you do that and it doesn't work out, you're going to feel failure. You're going to feel some kind of disappointment. And I do want to protect you from that disappointment by preventing you from going into the first place. I think that is what is underlying some of those things. I don't know what your thoughts are that.

[00:19:20] It is. And that is the equivalent of poisoning the well. Yeah. All right.

[00:19:24] Well, you get fear onto that one and you're denying them the grit and resilience while they're under your wing and they can learn and have you there to support them when they you know, they will fail, they will be hurt.

[00:19:38] They will have these let downs, or you can wait till they go to college when they're out on their own and have access to anything and everything. And then they go and implode because they can't handle any sort of stress because they've been shielded from it. And it's like getting a bicycle. If if you never let a kid learn to ride the bicycle, you'd never let go of the back of that bike seat if you never take off those training wheels. Was that kid never learn.

[00:20:00] They never learned how to ride a bike in the first place. Number two, they don't learn boundaries because if they go too fast and they fall down, it hurts. So they learn not to do that again or they don't learn that if they fall and it hurts, they can still get back up again and try. But if you deny them of all those things by constantly trying to protect them, it's like the helicopter.

[00:20:20] Mom kind of approach, and I even call it bubble parenting at this point where it's like, let's just throw a bubble suit on this bubble wrap.

[00:20:26] Yeah, yeah. Like not playing around anymore. Like a bubble. Yeah, I could go away. All right.

[00:20:34] Well, it's like I've seen the kids skiing and stuff like that. And they come down the mountain and they're just like they're just a big a big ball of protection.

[00:20:43] They have no control that they're fully protected.

[00:20:45] Well, I you know, I've I've worked with royal families. I've worked with, you know, 50 founders jobs. I mean, Fortune 10 executives. Right. I've worked with some really bright people.

[00:20:56] And the recurring thing and this was actually what happened with my dad is that as intelligent and driven people, they're super power. Your super power. My super powers. I'm an inherently good problem solver. That's that's what I do. So I make a living. Right. Like, that's how I see the world. And so I take that into an environment with kids. And the problem is, is that I'm still got some ego left and I want to show how awesome I am. Here's my superpower. Look at how to solve problems. And so instead of letting the kid learn my superpower, which is my greatest gift, an asset, I deny them of that by solving a problem for them. And then they're not learning in the same way they feel shame.

[00:21:33] So I'm gonna make a I'm gonna make a jump. I'm gonna do it and we'll see how it works, which is you know what? It's one of the things I find with founders as they move, as they start to build up their leadership team and the company starts to grow.

[00:21:45] One of the things that we have to kind of untrained them on is solving all the problems, because if they continue to be the chief problem solving officer, that they will never develop a team that can solve their own problems and ideally can actually solve bigger and harder problems than they can alone. No. Using the capabilities of the team. But it is really hard. And it's it's just that not all founders can make, quite honestly.

[00:22:09] And so I think there is a similarity there. And not not to say that, you know, managing people is like having children necessarily. But I think that that mindset of what is my job here is my job to solve the problems.

[00:22:22] Is my job to create, you know, a person to help a person learn, get experience, build confidence so that they can be more capable, more self-sufficient over time. I think that's the key.

[00:22:34] Yeah. And again, there's another parallel, you know, I mean, the parallels are endless. I mean, think about within a family.

[00:22:40] So often the rules are inconsistent. The parents forget what the rules are all the time or the rule is. The rule today is no, you know, no shoes in the car. Sorry, Dad. I didn't know that was the rule or it wasn't the rule last week.

[00:22:54] And, you know, think about if you ran a business business that way, if you didn't have a clear job description, if you didn't have clear expectations of what was something that's a positive and rewarded behavior or one that's a negative and has a consequence. Once you lose your people all the time, we expect the family to operate differently. It's fascinating.

[00:23:12] And what's interesting and you'll appreciate this as a coach in virtually any other environment other than family, having a coach is like kind of a badge of honor. Like, yeah, I've got you know, I've got a personal trainer. I've got I've got a, you know, a coach in my business. I've got a coach on my tennis or whatever it is. And it's unions. It's like, oh, I have a coach for my family. I like way just.

[00:23:34] Yeah. You just put that that if you're out family on your own, it is so mind blowing.

[00:23:39] It makes no sense. And again, it's the foundation of everything. If you get the family dialed in, if you get them happy and healthy and you're all working together, everything else in your life gets better. Everything.

[00:23:51] Yeah. It's funny. We're talking earlier about some of the techniques that, you know, personally.

[00:23:55] I've I've applied and sometimes I don't think about it. It's just because I'm a coach, you know, it just comes out.

[00:24:00] But, you know, just the idea of, you know, thinking about the family as it as a type of team and what makes a good team and its ability to kind of set goals and get clear around priorities, figure out their strategy. The one thing I find is getting getting clear on what you're kind of ground rules are and making them really years. You know, just because other families do things a certain way doesn't need to be the way you do it as a divorced dad.

[00:24:26] I've got three children that don't live with me every day. And so, you know, I've had to kind of create different kind of patterns and structures and kind of ways in which we operate, which are maybe not like a lot of other families. And but by figuring out what our priorities are and what do we really care about and focusing on those and be willing to give up on them. A lot of other things that may be important, other people, but we're just going gonna choose not to focus on those for our situation has been really powerful. I think that's working for us.

[00:24:55] It as in I'm big on ownership and buy in. So when it comes to family rules, we call them family agreements. The opportunity is to involve the kids as much as possible in this process. It goes back to that. Can you live under my roof concept versus a house? Same thing in a business, right? And how do I get the group together to collectively come up with what we're all about? Right. And how we're gonna rise to the challenge of supporting each. And achieving that. I mean, I've done this with kids as little as 6 years old. And we also work with a lot of young adults. But you have a six year old when you ask Mike what's important in your family.

[00:25:28] They say love and safety in health. And we're like, okay, so like, what are the things you can do or as a family you can do to support those things and then they'll start rattle off all these things and we fine tune those.

[00:25:40] And, you know, if the kids are older, it might be you know, safety means what is there a curfew look like? OK. What are the consequences if you don't you know, if you miss the curfew and the kid at first is going to be like absolutely nothing or, you know, I I get I get a new iPad.

[00:25:56] You've got to be like, well, I was thinking you should be deported. So that's the middle. Compromise is where you learn compromise. Yes.

[00:26:05] Negotiating in. Right. And so I like to create a set of family agreements and consequences. And to have everybody write this out and then sign it is so incredibly powerful versus being like, here's the rule today.

[00:26:17] Here's the rule tomorrow. You know, it's funny.

[00:26:20] We talked about this a lot in management on the business side of the tensions between compliance and commitment. And compliance is when you you issue an edict, you you put out a rule and you know, with power, you can get people to follow the rule through compliance. They will comply to that rule. But the moment that power structure situation is out there, there is nothing enforcing that compliance. Whereas if you get commitment, meaning that they they have participated in the process, they have a personal stake in the reason for that commitment, they see how that is going to benefit them. Ultimately, that that that true commitment will be something that holds true even when you're not there. And I think the same thing is true with parenting.

[00:27:00] Yeah, well said. Well said. I mean, the parallels are just incredible. And, you know, that's that's why we've done so well is because, you know, we go we speak CEO and Wipro and some of these kind of organizations and and the entrepreneur executive loves what we're talking about because I can connect to the material applied to their business, applied to their family.

[00:27:20] It makes sense because so many of them feel like I'm good at my business, but I've no idea what I'm doing in my family. I'm like, well, let's bridge that gap. And then the spouses sit in there and they're just thrilled because all of a sudden, the entrepreneur, the executive is excited about this concept, the family. And so everybody wins. It's awesome.

[00:27:36] Yeah. Now, really powerful. And, you know, I don't see seeing you in Bangkok. You know, I know you've developed a lot of things since then, but I think that, you know, that early meshes that I saw was was was really interesting. And I'm excited that you're really kind of growing this and building and building the organization to to help really put this out there and get more people involved.

[00:27:57] So tell us a little bit about what your next steps are. So I know you're doing a lot of speaking. What is what is your vision right now? Were you looking to kind of take this next few years?

[00:28:06] Great question. So this is documentary I'm really excited about with family businesses because it's such a great client for us, because we create value and change within one nuclear family and then we go and work with the brother or the sister or multiple brothers and sisters and their family. And then we're able to do a collective because we do family retreats is a huge part of what we do. We usually kick off our coaching by going and spending a weekend with myself or, you know, to do other facilitators. But there's always two facilitators, a male and a female. They go in as the coaches to facilitate these for the families. And so over time, the ability to then do larger family retreats with multiple families or multiple generations and to create this massive change, because once we change the hearts and minds of these executives and these entrepreneurs, they didn't take this into their business. And then the culture changes within the business about the relationship between family and work. And so our ability to create this massive impact and change is intoxicating for me. I'm looking to change the world.

[00:29:11] I'm not looking to just, you know, make a few bucks. I have I have no I have no exit strategy.

[00:29:16] Like I'm in it for the long haul. This is what I'm built for. So, yeah, it's I'm excited to see where the family business world takes us, but. But that's that's the main focus. I'm trying not to overcomplicate things because I'm a an innovator and a sharp object. And I probably talk like 45 minutes about ideas, but I'm sticking with that right now.

[00:29:37] I love it. Good. Radley, it's been a pleasure. If people want to find out more information about you, about the work that you do. What's the best way to get that rich legacy?

[00:29:45] is the easiest and like any fast moving entrepreneur, is probably a little bit out of date. I should probably look at it and say, let's see what's on there as well. We're actually doing in true entrepreneur form, but I I'm happy to help in any way I can. That's why I got into this. So if you want to get in touch with me directly, it's just be as in Bradley Calo CHL W at Rich Legacy dot com. Again, that's B Carlo at Rich Legacy dot com. And we've got some great assessment tools and quizzes and things that can start to give you some insight into your family and start having some. More meaningful conversations that maybe you thought about, maybe you haven't. But I guarantee you you're not having him and just having those conversations alone can start to open up some meaningful dialogue and change within your family. And you can also see the business benefits that go with.

[00:30:32] Yeah. That's great. Thank you so much for taking the time. I really appreciate it. It's been a great conversation.

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